08/9/2021 – August Town Board Minutes

AUGUST 9, 2021

Port Wing Town Meeting Minutes 08-09-2021

Meeting called to order at 7:00 pm, by Chairman, Russell Bailey.    Present were Russell Bailey, Ken Bodeen, Scott Jardine, Marge Ogren, Pam Holt, Nora Tribys, Brett Bodeen, Troy Kavajecz and DuWayne Zupke.  Pledge of Allegiance.              Motion was made to accept the minutes as presented by Ken, second by Scott. All in favor.   Motion was made by Ken to accept the treasurer’s report with a second by Scott.  All in favor.

Citizen’s Input – John Berton – Discussion about the signs on the pavilion.  Both Saturday Market and Fish Boil have signs.  John Berton and someone from Fish Boil will meet to discuss how to work it out.  Scott Jardine will discuss with Fish Boil Board. Both signs need to be able to be seen.

Sharon Graham – Comprehensive Survey.  She has received approximately 30% of the surveys back.  The group will be compiling the data and report back to the town board.  The group will be meeting the 3rd Thursday of each month at 6:30pm at the town hall.

Kris Tribys – proposed the town extend the sewer/water thru sections 12,13,16,17 from the Post Office to Okerstrom Street.  Town will look at old plans and surveys, and possibly getting an engineer to see if future development is feasible. Town will be looking into Infrastructure Grant Funds to complete/update sewer in town.


            Kinney Valley Road Bridge Update – Waiting on signatures for the easements.

Health & Recreation Grant – Letters have been sent to local organizations and business requesting donations to help fund the work that needs to be completed for the Health & Recreation project.  West fence line has been completed.  Many individuals in the community want to donate.

Mice/Pest Control at town hall.  No sign of mice.

Water/Sewer & Land Use at 82930 White Birch Road.  Nicoletti’s were present to update board on project status.  Sewer installation is on the plumber’s schedule.  Water Department meeting on the 17th and will discuss installation.  Letter will be going to Bayfield County updating the status.

Sewer repair – 9300 Gust Road. Troy is waiting to get quotes from plumbers for installation of tank/pump.

Board of Review/Open Book dates set for Sept 7th and 13th, respectively.  CORRECTED BOARD OF REVIEW WILL BE OCTOBER 13TH – OPEN BOOK TO BE DETERMINED.

ARPA funds -Town crew will meet with Pam and/or Russell on August 18 to gather information on projects.

Intersection of Highway 13 at Washington/White Birch – will be cutting down trees to clear line of sight.

Wheeler Project – August 17th is photo shoot.  Reseeding will happen this fall.  Waiting on student sign.


Fire Dept/Ambulance reports read.  Dustin Danula gave update on Fire Dept.  One of the new (used) trucks is having computer chip issues and is being repaired. They are getting ready for fund raiser.  He mentioned that Fire Hall is open for public use (except Wednesday).  Contact Fire Dept for passcode.

Damage to Dugouts – Insurance company has been contacted.

Elder Nutrition Program – Pam had a conference call with Bayfield County.  She will be meeting with Marge to discuss the set-up of the program.  The resurgence of COVID has slowed getting the program back in place.

Sanitary District permit has been renewed as of 8-1-21

Public Bathroom at old Fire Hall needs to be fixed.  Town crew will pick up materials.

Almstad Pit – will be putting up chain.

ZONING REQUESTS:   William and Tess Olson on School Rd.  Have not received form from Bayfield County yet.  Will get approval signatures from town board once received.

OPERATOR’S INPUT:  Troy reported on recent activities of the Town Crew:  Troy needs copy of Trusty Trucking invoice for Hjalmer Road. Liners for culverts on White Birch Road should be delivered on Thursday.  Tire and muffler fixed on brusher tractor.  Crew has run out of blacktop patch.  They are approved to get more as needed.   Speed limit signs have come in for Big Pete’s Road.  Troy received call for plowing a new home going up on Touve Road – the plows are not able to be able to safely access the driveway.  The knapweed being removed should not be put into the garbage cans.  Troy requested that the debris be put in garbage bags and put beside the cans.

Next meeting set for Monday, September 13, 2021 at 7pm. Meeting adjourned by Ken with a second by Scott.  All in favor.

Respectively Submitted by Pam Lawrenz Holt, Town Clerk

Pam Holt

Port Wing Town Clerk
