9/14/2020 – Town Board Minutes

September 14, 2020               PORT WING TOWN BOARD MEETING MINUTES

Meeting called to order at 7:00 pm, by Chairman, Russell Bailey.    Present were Russell Bailey, Ken Bodeen, Gary Williams, Marge Ogren, Pam Holt, Nora Tribys and workers Troy, DuWayne and Brett were also present.

Motion was made to accept the minutes as presented by Ken, second by Gary.   Motion was made by Gary to accept the treasurer’s report with a second by Ken.


Citizen’s Input – Leann Hess reported on the Cemetery clearing.  Flowers, etc. need to be removed by October 1st.  She will put notice in the Connection.

Russell reported for Janet Johnson that the driftwood is piling up between the Boardwalk and Power’s Cabin.  She is concerned about ice pushing in the driftwood and damaging the boardwalk.  Russell suggested that Derek Jardine put the wood in two piles to be burned.  Russell will contact Derek.

Russell also pointed out that people are getting stuck going out to Seagull Island because water is two feet over the road.  He suggested that we need to put up Road Closed sign due to the high water.


Ken gave us an update about the Kinney Valley Bridge project.  With the alternative grant, we will not get reimbursed for the costs until the project is finished.  We will have to borrow approximately $375,000 which will be paid back once the project is finished.  Motion made by Ken to approve borrowing funds for the project, second by Gary.  Russell signed the amended SMA for the project.

            Board reviewed the latest rules (facemasks) and conditions from the State and County concerning the Coronavirus.

Russell checked with Troy Klein on the Town Hall doors and he is waiting for an updated bid.


Discussed need for Town Attorney.  Gary Sherman was suggested.  Marge/Pam will contact to see if he is interested.

Snow Plow rules & rates.  Discussed the school parking lot rate – the parking lot size has increased.  The old rate was $2,250 per season.  New proposed rate is $3,500 per season.  Motion made to approve new rate by Gary, second by Ken.  Discussed plowing of Peppermint Drive and Thedus Drive.  We will not be plowing if the residents do not want to pay (seasonal residents on Peppermint).

2021 Town Budget – workshop scheduled after next Town Meeting in October.  Budget meeting will be in November.  Need to work out the financing for the Kinney Bridge and culvert work.  Tygar Leveque brought up the Fire Department’s need for gravel. Troy said there will some available.

Ambulance report for August had 1 call for Port Wing.  Russell requested that we get updated financial reports from the Fire Department.  Tygar will discuss with Stacy.

Russell signed the WISLR local road certification map.

Sidewalk project – additional work needed to be done to cut and reshape the North end of the sidewalk to prevent water collecting on the sidewalk. There may be a need to reshape the other end when the highway improvements are finished.

Sewer pond reclamation project – John Gumtow recommended we put a big boulder next to the gate to prevent ATVs from damaging the area.  Gary offered to give a large boulder that he has.   ATVs are also going out on pier in the harbor.  There is already a No Trespassing sign. The Town of Port Wing does not have the authority over the pier – the Army Corp of Engineers has the authority.

Russell was contacted by Greg Price concerning “The Block” building.  Russell suggested to him that the Bayfield County Zoning would be the agency to contact regarding that issue.

Reviewed WI DOT outdoor advertising program and Private woodland tax program.

Reviewed FEMA funding opportunities

Zoning requests:  None

Troy gave a report on recent activities of the Town Crew:  Two road signs are missing – Big Pete Rd and Carpo Drive.   Larvick Road sign and stop sign down – looks like they were hit by County mower when cutting road sides.  Wheeler Drive sign is up.  Hjalmer Road – we started brushing and got all the way to the big hole.   White Birch Hill work seems to be doing ok.  Reviewed snow plow list – will have ready in about a week.  Sewer – we had problems with transducer, but it is now repaired.  Backhoe needs oil change/maintenance.  We will be ordering salt/sand in October.  Mark Johnson asked if we want tin or shingles for the salt shed roof.  Board decided on tin roof as there are already shingles underneath and that should help prevent any rusting.  Mark will do this work in exchange for use of electricity back when he first started his project on the old Co-op Store building.

Tygar reported that they are attempting to start training/practice with equipment again.  It was put on hold because of COVID-19.  Need new volunteers.

Brett report the dump/recycling area is doing well.

Next meeting set for October 5th.   Meeting adjourned by Ken with a second by Gary.

Submitted by Pam Holt, Deputy Town Clerk